Fell November 20, 2008
Wilton Rural Municipality, Saskatchewan, Canada

On November 20, 2008, Canadian residents from Alberta to Saskatchewan were treated to a massive bolide and sonic booms.
The largest meteorite fall in Canadian history touched down in the rolling prairies near the towns of Marsden and Lone rock and was quickly tracked by Canadian scientists.
After a very short period of recovery, snow fell and hid all the stones. The environment, however, is quite arid and the snow sublimates, thus preserving the stones. Broken surfaces reveal a fresh interior.
As the snow evaporated in late March, recovery efforts resumed and at this point the one thousand stone mark has been passed. 90% of the land was locked up by Canadian institutions but we were lucky enough to find a farmer who was willing to let any and all hunt his 650 acres of rolling canola and pea fields. Myself and fellow collector Mike Bandli recovered 74 stones, half of which went to the farmer.
While the overall count is high, most of the stones are locked up with the Universities of Calgary and Edmonton and will be slow to hit the market, if ever. The plows are once again plowing, what remains will now fall to slow decay and very few choice stones will make it to the retail market.
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Buzzard Coulee H4 Chondrite
40.2 gram individual